Georgia on my Mind, Saint Louis on my Calendar!

It's been a wonderful, amazingly musical summer in Georgia and South Carolina, and now that the kids are starting back to school I find myself turning calendar pages, looking forward to the next chapter in this colorful musical journey.  Starting in 2016 I'll be in Saint Louis full-time with my beautiful wife, and booking more gigs in the midwest to stay closer to home.   There's a really great video of the progress they're making on a redesign of the area around the St. Louis arch.  Waterfront Park will be an amazing destination!  Here's the link to the nonprofit spearheading the project: 

My next trip to Missouri happens right after Labor Day, and my schedule is already filling with meetings, exploration and fun.  And of course, lots of great music!


Let's Get the Party Started!


Instrumental Piano - "I Won't Give Up"